Tid-Bits from the Tibbits

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Yesterday it was airline tickets, an extended wait at the bank to pay some doctor’s bill,

Rose stripping beds, washing sheets for an influx of guests, then getting a prescription of pills.

That was followed by bookkeeping to keep a track of all the money spent to date,

Threw in a fast market trip for visitors wanting souvenirs, so arrived home a bit late.

All part of being a service to missionaries without putting too much on our plate.

Lets see today I need to buy sinks, long bolts, some glue to stick down a floor,

Camping gear, medicine, dress material, fabric paint, and I guess a whole lot more.

A computer drive, cassette tapes, cheese, a tyre, bulbar and racks for a Hilux van,

Then there is a list of unmentionable things I’ve given to Rose because I’m a man.

But hey, this is just another very full day in Africa doing the best job that we can.

Tomorrow, who knows, but it could be a wonderful surprise or maybe an added glitch,

There may be a call for car parts; an evacuation for someone sick, or another hitch.

I know there will be people coming to the door for food, money or with items to sell

A friend may pop in for prayer, share a blessing or someone has a sad story to tell.

All part of the Tibbit’s day, doing what we can, while sharing that with God, it can be well.

So our role is a balance between accurate records, while buying the right brand,

Taxi-ing and housing colleagues, and others, and learning how to patiently stand.

Listening to stories about God’s provisions while also hearing about the many tests,

In short; a mixture of the urgent and not so, but enjoying what we both do best.

The supporting of others, so that they can get on, keep well, be content, and get rest.

Roy Tibbit


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