Tid-Bits from the Tibbits

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

June 2007

Dear Friends,

So many of our friends in North America find it hard to believe that it gets really cold in the area of South Africa that we are living in. The other morning we woke to below freezing weather. When I looked in the garden I noticed that some of the less hardy plants were dead from the frost. We, on the other hand have been able to put on extra layers of clothing and have been lent an electric blanket and portable gas heater. What we have found is, that although our home is an ice block, we can go out during the day and sit in a sunny sheltered spot and get warm while we do paper work.

Enough about cold and something about warmth. We have had a number of our fellow missionaries and other guests stay with us in the last two months and it has been such a heart warming experience for us. I calculated that since the 5th of April we have had 77 guest/nights. Some people stayed a number of days and others just an overnight. We also had a medical evacuation from Mozambique, but are so thankful that the lady is fully recovered and back home again with her family. Every one of the missionaries has a unique story about where they met God and how he has brought them to this point in their lives. It is so thrilling for us to see the power of God working through ordinary people who have opened up their lives for him to use them and their gifts to bless others. It has also been humbling to hear about the many struggles with health, personal safety and the sheer logistics some of the missionaries face living in isolated communities. Below I have included a photo taken during the last conference of the group of missionaries we are serving. Pray for protection for their children, their marriages and good working relationships. We are a multinational group and come from England, South Africa, Sweden, Finland, USA, Canada, Angola, Holland and Germany.

Having family here in South Africa has made our transition so much easier and we enjoy every opportunity we have to get together with them.

Recently one of Rose’s brothers and his family came over for a holiday so all of us went away for a weekend to my niece and her husbands farm in the Drakensburg mountains. It was such a special time enjoying each other and getting to know the children of our nephew and nieces. We went for walks, played games, talked up a storm and of course enjoyed a lot of good food.

While in South Africa, Rose’s brother and his wife sorted out a storage unit they had and we were the recipients of a lot of useful things which included furniture, kitchen items and knickknacks that have made our home so much nicer. Friends also given us a couch, two arm chairs and a dryer, the latter will be a wonderful help during the rainy season.

Thank you for praying for us that means a lot and makes us effective in our ministry. Thank you to those of you who so faithfully support us financially Is is encouraging to see our needs being provided in so many ways. We miss our family and friends but are aware that here in South Africa is where God wants us right now.

God bless.

Roy & Rose Tibbit


At 4:33 PM, Blogger AussieGal said...

Roy & Rose Hi:

This will be a voice from the past! You can reach me on AustralianRealtor@yahoo.com. So exciting to read how the Lord led you to SA. Local friend of mine from SA is home there right now.

(Mike &) Dianne Matthews


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